Chickpeas are legumes from the Fabaceae family. They are very high in protein and fiber and contain good vitamins and minerals. Chickpeas are really good for your health. For example, they make your bones strong, lower your colestorole and blood pressure and decrease the risk of heart disease. For that reason I want to share this simple recipe with you guys. I like to have my Roasted Chickpeas with a salad, but you can also enjoy them on their own as a snack. They're super easy to make, they taste good and they're good for your health!
Serves: 2
400g tinned chickpeas
2tsp cayenne pepper
1-2tsp olive oil
pinch of salt and pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 200 C and strain the chickpeas.
2. Put the chickpeas in a bowl and drizzle them with 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil and season with cayenne pepper, salt and pepper. Mix everything together.
3. Put all of the chickpeas on a baking tray and bake them for 25-30 minutes in the oven until they have turned golden and crispy. Enjoy!
Kikerherned on liblikõielised, mis on pärit Fabaceae perekonnast. Nad on väga kõrge valgu- ja kiudainesisaldusega ning sisaldavad häid vitamiine ja mineraale. Kikerherned on tõesti väga head su tervisele. Näiteks, nad teevad su kondid tugevaks, nad alandavad su kolestorooli ning vererõhku ja aitavad vähendada südamehaiguste riski. Selle tõttu tahan ma jagada teiega seda lihtsat retsepti. Mulle meeldib mu Röstitud Kikerherneid süüa salatiga, aga neid võib ka nautida omapead suupistena. Neid on super lihtne teha, nad maitsevad hästi ja nad on head su tervisele!
Serveerib: 2
400g purgis kikerherneid
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